API Documentation
GooglePay™ Web Integration
Add Google Pay to your application (Web)
Reach out to your Fractal point of contact to obtain a FRACTAL_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID
Follow the Google Pay Web developer documentation to integrate Google Pay into your website.
Tokenization Specification
Use the following values in the the TokenizationSpecification:
Supported Authentication Methods
Supported Card Networks
- Amex
- MasterCard
- Discover
- Visa
Obtain a Production Merchant ID from Google
Ensure that you follow the Google Pay Web brand guidelines and complete all items on the Google Pay Web integration checklist.
Follow these instructions to publish Google Pay integeration and receive a merchant ID that can be used in the production environment.
Send the Google Pay token in the Preauth API
The Google Pay API response is a PaymentData object.
The field containing the encrypted payment information is paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token
This token should be sent in the /preauth request